Clemens-Uwe Bauer, Director of E-Commerce REWE

Clemens-Uwe Bauer, Director of E-Commerce REWE

The e-food market in Germany is estimated at around 6.5 billion euros. However, it still accounts for just under 3% compared to brick-and-mortar businesses. Karo's guest Clemens-Uwe Bauer is responsible for the e-commerce business at Rewe. As the biggest player in the e-food market, Karo was of course eager to hear his perspective on the market. Clemens gives listeners insights into Rewe's e-commerce models and explains the levers for the profitability of the Rewe delivery service. In doing so, the two take a deep dive into various hub concepts and their potential advantages. They also take a look at Rewe's e-wine business and talk about the newly integrated AI-based wine consultant on the Weinfreunde side, which Etribes were able to help develop. This results in a discussion about the potential of conversational commerce and the growth hypotheses of Rewe online.

If you listen to the end, you'll also learn how to win a bottle of champagne.

Key insights (AI-generated)

🛒 Rewe's e-commerce store offers Delivery and pick up services on and achieved 48-49% of German householdsWhat the company said about market leader does.

📊 The more ducts are offered, the more turnover per customer can be achieved. Order online customers more often and more articles as stationary customers, what the Share of Wallet increased.

💶 Rewe's online customers have a higher average order value, while stationary customers have a lower average order value, which amounts to a different shopping behavior points out online and offline.

🏭 One decentralized warehouse structure with medium-sized warehouses close to cities offers a promising basis for gaining advantages in building and acting quickly for Same-day delivery to achieve.

🤖 automation in warehouses reduces picking costs and improves safety, but operations and logistics remain complex and require careful planning.

🍷 The e-wine Service from Rewe offers a personalized AI sommelier on the wine lovers Site that is a unique conversational commerce provides experience. The digital consultancy Etribes co-developed this.

📈 The E-food market in Germany Will be on 6.5 billion euros estimated, but still only makes about 3% compared to stationary retail , which points to significant growth potential.

🛍️ Online customers show a different shopping behavior, with more planned, weekly purchases compared to spontaneous purchases in brick-and-mortar stores.

🔄 The Combining online and offline channels Enables Rewe to have a larger Share of Wallet to attract customers who use multiple services.

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