How top players from Asia are changing global competition
Opportunities and risks for western companies
in a changing market
Western online retail is facing a profound transformation. With extremely low prices and global product offerings, Chinese platforms such as TEMU and AliExpress are entering markets that have so far been dominated by Western companies. The rapid growth of new competitors — such as PDD Holdings (Temu's parent company), with an impressive 56% — is putting established market players under increasing pressure. What can they do now to face this challenge? How do they stay relevant?
The Etribes Insights “Global E-Commerce in Transition”” provide you with comprehensive information on current and future market developments, a comparison between Western and Asian e-commerce, a status quo analysis, and the opportunities and risks posed by Asian e-commerce.
We will provide you with statistics and explanations with an outlook for 2030, as well as an exciting insight into the e-commerce landscape of relevant players.
Content of the white paper:
- E-commerce market developments
How are platforms such as TEMU and SHEIN changing global e-commerce market shares? What must Western companies do to remain successful in this dynamic competition in the long term?
- Asian vs. western e-commerce
How are Asian e-commerce giants gaining market share worldwide? What do they do differently from western players?
- Status quo relevant player
Who is at the top? How are European e-commerce competitors developing and how are major Asian competitors playing in?
- Threats and potentials
What are the risks of Asian competition in the e-commerce market? Are there also opportunities for western retailers? What learnings can be drawn from this?
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